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I Sverige finns omkring 150 disputerade logopeder och ett stort antal doktorander/forskarstuderande inom såväl logopedi som psykologi, lingvistik, specialpedagogik med flera ämnen.

Vi länkar till de senaste doktorsavhandlingarna i logopedi /av logopeder! Hör gärna av dig till oss om vi missat någon avhandling:

Avhandlingar 2025

Jenny Holmberg (2025). On voice dysphoria: placing the transgender and gender diverse client at the centre of gender-affirming voice training. Doct. Diss, Umeå universitet.

Kerstin Petersson (2025). Radiation induced dysphagia: intervention and assessment tools in head and neck cancer. Doct.Diss, Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet. 


Sofia Wallin (2024). Supporting Communication in Schools for Students with Intellectual Disability : Augmentative and Alternative Communication and Partner Strategies. Diss. (sammanfattning). Stockholm: Stockholms universitet.

Johanna Carlie (2024). Linguistically diverse children's speech processing in noise. Diss. (sammanfattning). Lund: Lunds universitet.

Carla Wikse Barrow (2024). Swedish voiceless fricatives : A multidimensional investigation of adult and child productions. Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm: Stockholms universitet.

Elisabeth Nilsson (2024). Språkbedömningspraktiker i förskoleklass: lärares arbete med kartläggningsmaterialet Hitta språket. Diss. (monografi) Umeå: Umeå universitet

Inga-Lena Johansson (2024). Parkinson’s Disease and Communication : Intelligibility, Interaction and Participation Diss. (sammanfattning) Linköping: Linköpings universitet.

Andrea Strandberg (2024). Gaze into literacy : the potential of eye movement analysis for assessing children's word reading skills in ecological contexts. Diss. (sammanfattning) Karolinska institutet. 

Rasmus Riad (2024). Exploring language skills and well-being in inclusive preschools: the impact of a dialogic reading intervention. Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm: Stockholms universitet

Hanna Lindström-Sandahl (2024). Early Elementary School Interventions in Reading and Mathematics Diss. (sammanfattning), Linköping University Electronic Press.

Ida Rosqvist (2024). Vocabulary development in the early school years: association with demographic factors, formal schooling and summer vacation, and the effects of a teacher continuing professional development program. Diss. (sammanfattning) Lund: Lunds universitet.

Åsa Okhiria (2024). Articulation and velopharyngeal function in patients with cleft lip and-or palate: Outcome predictors. Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala: Uppsala universitet 

Jenny Samuelsson (2024). Speech production and literacy in students with intellectual disabilities and communication difficulties. Diss. (sammanfattning) Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet.

Ulrika Schachinger Lorentzon (2024): Children who screen positive for language delay but not autism: from 2.5 to 6 years of age. Doct, Diss. Göteborgs universitet, Sahlgrenska Akademin: Inst för neurovetenskap och fysiologi.