Swedish Dental Hygienists with a doctorial degree
Laser treatment and disease characteristics of Peri-implantitis, 2023.
Oral health-related salutogenic factors: reviewing factors promoting oral health in older people and exploring dental professionals' perspective, 2023.
Hanna Ahonen
The multifaceted concept of oral health – Studies on a Swedish general population-and perspectives of persons with experience of long-term CPAP-treated obstructive sleep apnea, 2022.
Anna Liss
Evidence-based dental hygienist practice in non-surgical therapy of patients with periodontitis. Outcomes of therapy and factors associated with quality of care, 2022.
Oral health, experiences of oral care, associated factors, and mortality among older people in short-term care, 2020.
Anida Fägerstad
"No-shows in dental care - perspectives on adolescents' attendance pattern", Institutionen för hälsovetenskap och medicin, Örebro universitet, 2019.
Ann-Catrin André Kramer
"On dental caries and socioeconomy in Swedish children and adolescents - Clinical and register-based studies", Göteborgs Universitet 2018.
Nadja Bjurshammar
"Porphyrins and Phototherapy of Oral Bacteria", Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm 2017.
Seida Erovic-Ademovski
"Treatment of intra-oral halitosis", Högskolan Kristianstad.
Eva-Karin Bergström
"Fluoride varnish programmes for adolescents at school - caries, conceptions and costs", Göteborg 2016.
Kristina Edman
"Epidemiological studies of Oral Health, development and influencing factors in the county of Dalarna, Sweden 1983-2013", Uppsala 2016.
Gunvi Johansson
On oral health-related quality of life in Swedish young adults, Göteborg 2015.
Sara Szymanska
Oral Health in patients with Chron's Disease, Stockholm 2015.
Agneta Stenebrand – Dental anxiety among 15-year-olds. Psychosocial facors and oral health, Jönköping 2015.
On fluoride toothpaste - Knowledge, attitudes and behaviour, Göteborg 2013.
Effect of ozone on dental caries and on cariogenic microorganisms, Umeå 2013.
Periodontal health among Swedish adolescents - psychosocial and behavioral perspectives on periodontal infection control, Göteborg 2013.
A Cultural Perspective on Oral Health in Young Individuals with Focus on Sweden and Vietnam, Jönköping 2013.
Associations between oral biofilm, periodontal disease, and systemic health - with a focus on atherosclerosis and breast cancer, Stockholm 2012.
Promoting Oral Health - Knowledge of Periodontal Disease and Satisfaction with Dental Care, Malmö 2012.
Attitudes and communicative factors related to oral health and periodontal treatment, Göteborg 2012.
Lena Hellqvist
Smoking, Snuffing and Oral Health with Special Reference to Dental Caries, Göteborg 2012.
The school as an arena for oral health promotion, Göteborg 2012.
Behavioural Medicine perspectives for Change and Prediction of Oral Hygiene Behaviour, Uppsala 2010.
Oral Health and Sense of Coherence, Health Behaviours, Knowledge, Attitudes and Clinical Status, Jönköping 2010.
On Oral Health in Young People with Asthma, Göteborg 2010.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome- Studies of affective symptoms in association with sex steroids and evaluation of electroacupuncture and physical exercise, Stockholm 2010.
Optical based technologies for detection of dental caries, Stockholm 2009.
On Approximal Caries Prevention using Fluoridated Toothpicks, Dental Flosses and Interdental Brushes, Göteborg 2008.
Influence of a Dental Ceramic and a Calcium Aluminate Cement on Dental Biofilm Formation and Gingival Inflammatory Response, Umeå 2007.
Self-perceived oral health, dental care utilization and satisfaction with dental care - A longitudinal study 19921997 of a Swedish age cohort born in 1942, Malmö 2007.
Anxiety, Exhaustion and Depression in Realtion to Periodontal Diseases. Stockholm 2006.
Kerstin Andersson
Oral health in old age; perception among elderly persons and medical professionals. Stockholm 2006.
In vivo evaluations of the neutralizing effect of a hydroxyl ion-releasing resin composite and a prohylactic gel on plaque acidogenicity, Umeå 2006.
Snuff use and oral health among young ice-hockey players. Implications for oral health promotion. Göteborg 2005.
Assessments of Oral Health Status in frail patients in hospital. Kristianstad 2004.
Dental fear and oral health behavior. Studies on psychological and psychosocial factors. Göteborg 2003.
Gun Sandberg
Oral Health and Diabetes. Studies on Health and Oral Self-Care in Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes. Uppsala 2002.
Oral microbial flora at hyposalivation. Göteborg 2001.
Oral Health and Experience of Oral Care among Cancer Patients during Radio- or Chemotherapy. Uppsala 2001.
Viola Ylipää
Work Environment, Health and Well-being i Dental Hygienists. A Work-Health-Culture Model. Stockholm 2000.
Märta Rosenlind
Vuxnas tänkande om och förhållningsätt till munhälsa. Lund 2000.
Gun Paulsson
Caring for Oral Health in the Elderly.Knowledge, conceptions and attitudes among nursing personnel. Malmö 2000.
Studies on plaque distribution and gingival crevicular fluid after non-surgical treatment in smokers and non-smokers with perodontal diseases. Stockholm 1998