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Disputerade tandhygienister

Den första svenska tandhygienisten med akademisk doktorsexamen, disputerade 1998. 2023 har 42 tandhygienister disputerat i Sverige. Nedan återfinner du namn och titel på respektive avhandling samt i förekommande fall länk till respektive tandhygienist.


  • Jesper Dalum – Evaluation of the proficiency test for dentists educated outside EU/EEA, 2024
  • Sandra Lod Dimenäs - Behavioral Intervention for Improved Oral Hygiene in Adolescents - A Person-Centered and Theory-Based Approach, 2024


  • Sebastian Malmqvist Laser treatment and disease characteristics of Peri-implantitis, 2023.

  • Elena Shmarina – Oral health-related salutogenic factors: reviewing factors promoting oral health in older people and exploring dental professionals' perspective2023.


  • Hanna Ahonen – The multifaceted concept of oral health – Studies on a Swedish general population-and perspectives of persons with experience of long-term CPAP-treated obstructive sleep apnea2022.

  • Anna Liss – Evidence-based dental hygienist practice in non-surgical therapy of patients with periodontitis. Outcomes of therapy and factors associated with quality of care, 2022.


  • Susanne Koistinen – Oral health, experiences of oral care, associated factors, and mortality among older people in short-term care, 2020.


  • Anida Fägerstad – "No-shows in dental care - perspectives on adolescents' attendance pattern", Institutionen för hälsovetenskap och medicin, Örebro universitet, 2019. 


  • Ann-Catrin André Kramer – "On dental caries and socioeconomy in Swedish children and adolescents - Clinical and register-based studies", Göteborgs Universitet 2018. 


  • Nadja Bjurshammar – "Porphyrins and Phototherapy of Oral Bacteria", Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm 2017.

  • Seida Erovic-Ademovski – "Treatment of intra-oral halitosis", Högskolan Kristianstad.


  • Eva-Karin Bergström - "Fluoride varnish programmes for adolescents at school - caries, conceptions and costs", Göteborg 2016.

  • Kristina Edman - "Epidemiological studies of Oral Health, development and influencing factors in the county of Dalarna, Sweden 1983-2013", Uppsala 2016. 


  • Gunvi Johansson - On oral health-related quality of life in Swedish young adults, Göteborg 2015.

  • Sara Szymanska – Oral Health in patients with Chron's Disease, Stockholm 2015.

  • Agneta Stenebrand – Dental anxiety among 15-year-olds. Psychosocial facors and oral health, Jönköping 2015.


  • Olga Jensen - On fluoride toothpaste - Knowledge, attitudes and behaviour, Göteborg 2013.

  • Elisabeth Johansson - Effect of ozone on dental caries and on cariogenic microorganisms, Umeå 2013.

  • Jessica Skoogh Ericsson - Periodontal health among Swedish adolescents - psychosocial and behavioral perspectives on periodontal infection control, Göteborg 2013.

  • Brittmarie Jacobsson - A Cultural Perspective on Oral Health in Young Individuals with Focus on Sweden and Vietnam, Jönköping 2013.


  • Maha Yakob - Associations between oral biofilm, periodontal disease, and systemic health - with a focus on atherosclerosis and breast cancer, Stockholm 2012.

  • Carina Mårtensson - Promoting Oral Health - Knowledge of Periodontal Disease and Satisfaction with Dental Care, Malmö 2012.

  • Jane Stenman - Attitudes and communicative factors related to oral health and periodontal treatment, Göteborg 2012.

  • Lena Hellqvist - Smoking, Snuffing and Oral Health with Special Reference to Dental Caries, Göteborg 2012.

  • Eva Hedman - The school as an arena for oral health promotion, Göteborg 2012.


  • Birgitta Jönsson - Behavioural Medicine perspectives for Change and Prediction of Oral Hygiene Behaviour, Uppsala 2010.

  • Ulrika Lindmark - Oral Health and Sense of Coherence, Health Behaviours, Knowledge, Attitudes and Clinical Status, Jönköping 2010.

  • Malin Stensson - On Oral Health in Young People with Asthma, Göteborg 2010.

  • Elizabeth Jedel - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome- Studies of affective symptoms in association with sex steroids and evaluation of electroacupuncture and physical exercise, Stockholm 2010.


  • Lena Karlsson - Optical based technologies for detection of dental caries, Stockholm 2009.


  • Barbro Särner - On Approximal Caries Prevention using Fluoridated Toothpicks, Dental Flosses and Interdental Brushes, Göteborg 2008.


  • Katarina Konradsson - Influence of a Dental Ceramic and a Calcium Aluminate Cement on Dental Biofilm Formation and Gingival Inflammatory Response, Umeå 2007.

  • Katri Ståhlnacke - Self-perceived oral health, dental care utilization and satisfaction with dental care - A longitudinal study 1992­1997 of a Swedish age cohort born in 1942, Malmö 2007.


  • Annsofi Johannsen - Anxiety, Exhaustion and Depression in Realtion to Periodontal Diseases. Stockholm 2006.

  • Kerstin Andersson - ­ Oral health in old age; perception among elderly persons and medical professionals. Stockholm 2006.

  • Anitha Persson - In vivo evaluations of the neutralizing effect of a hydroxyl ion-releasing resin composite and a prohylactic gel on plaque acidogenicity, Umeå 2006.


  • Margot Rolandsson - Snuff use and oral health among young ice-hockey players. Implications for oral health promotion. Göteborg 2005.


  • Pia Andersson - Assessments of Oral Health Status in frail patients in hospital. Kristianstad 2004.


  • Kajsa Henning Abrahamsson - Dental fear and oral health behavior. Studies on psychological and psychosocial factors. Göteborg 2003.


  • Gun Sandberg - Oral Health and Diabetes. Studies on Health and Oral Self-Care in Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes. Uppsala 2002.


  • Annica Almståhl - Oral microbial flora at hyposalivation. Göteborg 2001.

  • Kerstin Öhrn - Oral Health and Experience of Oral Care among Cancer Patients during Radio- or Chemotherapy. Uppsala 2001.


  • Viola Ylipää - Work Environment, Health and Well-being i Dental Hygienists. A Work-Health-Culture Model. Stockholm 2000.

  • Märta Rosenlind - Vuxnas tänkande om och förhållningsätt till munhälsa. Lund 2000.

  • Gun Paulsson - Caring for Oral Health in the Elderly.Knowledge, conceptions and attitudes among nursing personnel. Malmö 2000.


  • Birgitta Söder - Studies on plaque distribution and gingival crevicular fluid after non-surgical treatment in smokers and non-smokers with perodontal diseases. Stockholm 1998